Author : Carl Beaulieu, historien


A success story of Aboriginal entrepreneurship

This book covers the history of an organization that, for nearly 40 years, has been committed to the well-being and autonomy of off-reserve Aboriginals. Corporation Waskahegen is renowned for its know-how and expertise in housing, receiving a pan-Canadian award in 2004 from the National Aboriginal Housing Association.

Economically, Corporation Waskahegen is a model, hiring over 120 people, and having created more than 350 other jobs. This impact on employment results from its activities in housing development and business initiatives. The organization's realestate and industrial assets, present in 117 cities and municipalities throughout Quebec, means an investment of tens of millions of dollars in economic returns: the creation of businesses, jobs and thousands of suitable dwellings for the Aboriginal community.

Waskahegen - A success story of Aboriginal entrepreneurship is a history book that recounts the victories, hardships and challenges that the organization and its leaders, Fernand Chalifoux and Gilles Bérubé in particular, have had to face throughout the years. Corporation Waskahegen has truly been a model of development for off-reserve Aboriginals since its foundation in 1972. In this perspective, Chief Louis Riel's heritage lives on through the remarkable accomplishments of Waskahegen.
Purchase Order
- Price : 50 $ (Shipping & taxes included

- 210 pages, Plus de 100 illustrations,
ISBN 2-922693-24-4

Vers le haut

Les Éditions du Patrimoine inc.

Partenariat avec www.sagamie.org

Droit d'auteur
Dernière révision : 11 janvier 2012

Raymond-Marie Lavoie